
I was picked on and called ugly when I was a kid—Beverly Naya, an actress

Beverly Naya, an actress in Nollywood, has talked about how she was picked on and called ugly when she was a child.


In a recent interview with well-known media person Chude, the actress talked about this experience.

She said that when she was young, she was picked on by other kids and that her friends always picked on her because of how she looked.


Naya said, “When I was young, I was always being picked on for one thing or another, so I always felt like I was going to get attacked for something, no matter what school I was in.

“Okay, so when I was younger, I was a swan. I was not pretty. What my mom says doesn’t bother me. I wasn’t a pretty child.


“My teeth were crooked and I had eczema. I didn’t think I looked good, and neither did the people around me. I used to get called a lot of different names, like “snakeskin,” “buck teeth,” “light bulb head,” and “football legs.” Then I just grew up.

“My skin got better, I got braces, and I kind of grew up. I started to feel beautiful for the first time in my life when I was 16, and I think some people at my school thought I was too proud of it.

“I was picked on because of that, and it broke me because I thought, ‘Look, I can’t win.’ When I was younger, I was picked on because people thought I was ugly and unattractive, but now I finally feel beautiful and am trying to own it.

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