Pretty Mike, a socialite from Lagos, has admitted that viewing the Shanty Town series has disturbed him. He said that for some people, the plot is reality.
Six episodes make up the recently released movie. It has a rural backdrop in slum areas and depicts a revenge story.
Mike conveyed his feelings against slum dwellers while responding to the story’s premise and location. He compared them to characters in a horror film.
Because of the suffering those who reside in slums and ghettos endure, he prayed for them.
It’s “really sad” to realize that real individuals experience what Netflix’s “Shanty Town” movie depicts, in his words.
After watching the movie, I can honestly state that I’m currently traumatized. I pray for those who reside in slums because their lives are like never-ending horror films.
“I’m deeply moved by this film…
I don’t want to moan about the things I don’t have any longer. Oh God, their sorrow is just excessively great.
Who will provide assistance to all of these residents of slums, ghettos, and their own shanty towns? Don’t pray to God today for yourself or the many things you want. Instead, offer prayers for the anonymous men and women whose lives are being ruined by men’s greed.
“February is here; take action before your homes and reality turn into shantytowns.”
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