Study in canada without IELTS

Study In Canada Without IELTS

It’s been popularly known that no one can study in Canada without IELTS. IELTS is the Fundamental examination procedure every applicant has to pass before being able to travel to Canada. In most cases, students who can’t prove or pass the IELTS exam are disqualified from going to Canada for whatsoever reason.

But here is the good news!

Do you know that without passing or taking the IELTS exam, you can still travel to Canada to study? In fact, you can even travel for the purpose of employment, settlement, and so on without having your IELTS.

That’s cool, right?

Yeah, it is.

With the help of this post, you will know how to go about it without stressing yourself that much. At Xandertech, we do take our time to explain in a simple manner, the things you need and how to go about it in a stress-free manner. This means if you can simply take your time to read this article till the end, you will understand the values embedded in this article.

History of IELTS – What you should know

IELTS is a popular English proficiency testing program that was established in 1980 by the British councils, Cambridge Assessment English, and IDP education.

It was formerly known as UCLES at the time they first began their operation.

Every year, up to 3.6 million people take the IELTS test.

How to Study in Canada without IELTS (2022 Update)

As said earlier, we will be talking about the various ways anyone can travel to Canada without IELTS.

Now, let’s begin.


1. Taking Other English Tests

IELTS is not the only English test one can take in order to prove your English speaking skills. There are other English Tests like; TOEFL, PTE, CAEL Assessment, Duolingo English Test, and CanTest you can use to travel to Canada. In fact, these English proficiency tests are easier and more straightforward than the popular IELTS and a majority of these European countries accept them.

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It will be better if you know the Acronym of the English test programs available above.

Let’s check them out

  • IELTS: International English Language Testing System
  • CAEL Assessment: Canadian assessment English language
  • TOEFL: Test of English as Foreign Language
  • PTE: Pearson English Language Test
  • CanTest: Canadian Test of English for scholars and Trainees
  • Duolingo English Test

Those are the full meaning of the English proficiency Test programs you can take rather than getting stuck in the IELTS test.

2. Selecting some specific Universities

It’s not a lie that most Canadian universities accept only students who have proof of speaking and writing in English using the IELTS test. But that is not all, the majority of institutions in Canada like using IELTS for screening their applicants for the ability to speak and write in English fluently because of their quality standards and long existence.

Do you know that other famous universities don’t require the proof of IELTS English test before you can be admitted?

oh yeah!

These universities make use of other English proficiency tests like; TOEFL, PTE, CAEL Assessment, and so on to get students admitted in from other countries. This means; without taking the IELTS test, you can still study in Canada by taking these simpler exams.

But the question now is;

How do I know these sets of universities that do not require IELTS without making a mistake?

Here comes the answer below…

Canadian Universities That Requires No IELTS for International Admission.

The following are the best 10 colleges available

  • Cambrian University
  • McGill University
  • Brock University
  • Seneca University
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • Carleton University
  • Algoma University
  • University of Regina
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland
  • Okanagan College
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These are the best 10 universities you can apply for if you don’t want to face the issue of IELTS study rejection.

3. Submitting Proof of Study In English

If you feel it will be tough for you to get into some of the Canadian universities with the other English exams, then you should check this out. You can study in Canada by using different legitimate ways that won’t stress you at all even if you don’t want to pass through IELTS.

Do you know you can successfully study in Canada by just presenting proof that you study in English for four years?

Yeah, it’s very possible!

In fact, all you just need is to get the proof in form of a document or transcript that will explain how you took the English course.

You really don’t need IELTS in this procedure.

Note: Make sure your proof is clear enough that it can easily clarify that you actually studied in an English school.

4. Be From an English Speaking Country

This is actually the easiest way to study in Canada without IELTS. Since you are from a country that speaks English fluently, then you don’t need to take an English proficiency test. Canada only specializes in applicants who are from a very poor English-speaking country. So in that case, those applicants have to pass through IELTS.

List of English speaking countries

The majority of people don’t know if they are from a country that speaks English officially.

Now, it is time to know if you are

  1. United State
  2. United Kingdom
  3. New Zealand
  4. Canada
  5. South Africa
  6. Nigeria
  7. Singapore
  8. Australia
  9. Zimbabwe
  10. Kenya
  11. Jamaica
  12. Bahamas
  13. Barbados
  14. Philippines
  15. Belize
  16. Ireland
  17. Cameroon
  18. Ghana
  19. Botswana
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Your country not listed above?


You can make some additional research to confirm if you are really from an English-speaking country.

Advantage of taking the IELTS Test

These English proficiency tests come with lots of merits that benefit those who want to travel for Study.

  1. Proves you can speak and write in English fluently.
  2. Decrease Chances of visa rejection.
  3. Give wide access to study at one of the best universities in the world.
  4. Give you access to unique jobs overseas

Disadvantages to taking IELTS

Everything that has some specific merits always has demerits.

  1. Takes time when processing
  2. Act as an obstacle for students who wish to study abroad
  3. Limit that privilege of travel exploration
  4. Causes extra cost of Money


IELTS has made a majority of students lose their chances of studying abroad.

But now, we’ve got solutions to this.

Hope this article was able to shed more light on how to study in Canada without IELTS.


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