Tinubu is about to confront nationwide backlash over the fuel subsidy, according to Sowore

Omoyele Sowore, the candidate for president of the African Action Congress (AAC), has stated that President Bola Tinubu is likely to confront a national rebellion over what he termed as a “thoughtless petrol subsidy policy.”

Sowore claimed in a post that he published on his Twitter handle on Sunday that “Tinubu was driven by the impunity when he bragged that he would remove subsidy whether people protested or not.”

The comment came in the wake of the confusion and controversy that have been surrounding the recent announcement made by the President regarding the removal of fuel subsidies.

Sowore also asserted that the President had forgotten that many of the most recent conflicts originated in revolts across the country, particularly in opposition to his authority over Lagos. He cited this as evidence for his allegation.

“When @officialABAT was bragging that he will remove subsidy whether people protest or not, no matter how long the demonstration will last, he was speaking with a certainty motivated by the impunity he’d practiced in Lagos ever since he conquered Lagos in 1999. He was speaking with the certainty that he will remove the subsidy no matter how long the protest will stay.

“However, he overlooked that a great many of the recent conflicts, which had their origins in the most recent uprisings across Nigeria, had in particular attacked his feudal rule over Lagos.

“He is likely to encounter a national reaction that will clear his uncertainties regarding his recent careless strategy regarding the pricing of gasoline subsidies. Sri Lanka on my mind! He posted the hashtag “#Revolutionnow.”

READ ALSO:  We Have Learned More About Fuel Subsidy Removal Than Our PDP Governors Did

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