Your policy of not accepting cash is a disaster. Shehu Sani Slams Emefiele

Shehu Sani, a civil rights activist and former senator for the Kaduna Senatorial District, has said that the cashless policy put in place by Godwin Emefiele, governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, is disastrous and poisonous.

Sani said this because people were having trouble getting their money out of banks, which caused lines all over the country.

In a statement he sent to XANDERTECH on Friday, Sani wondered why public policy should hurt people instead of helping them.

He said:

“Godwin Emefiele’s redesigning of the national currency and cash withdrawal policy is a disaster for the economy and a bad idea that is meant to make life hard for most Nigerians.

“If the Buhari government really wants to go after the few corrupt people, it doesn’t have to wait this long or punish the poor. Emefiele set fire to a forest so he could catch some rats.

The former lawmaker said that the apex bank has turned into a political institution. He said that as a developing country, Nigeria’s economic policies should have taken into account the status of Nigerians.

“The CBN has turned into a political organization and a place where crazy economic ideas are shared.

“Under Emefiele, the CBN has turned into a place of worship for misery and a breeding ground for poverty. It has turned into a republic inside of a republic.”

He said.

He asked why Buhari let the policy continue at the end of his term, especially in 2019 when he ran again to stop buying votes.

“Why didn’t the Buhari administration change the currency in 2019? If the CBN policy is meant to stop people from buying votes, why did they wait until 2023?

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“Nigeria has become a huge refugee camp where people stand in line to get cash rations. Nigerians have had to struggle for money, search for money, look for money, and even scratch for money, which has led to a lot of bad things.

“Nigerians used to buy Dollars on the black market, but now they also buy Naira there.

“The Senate, which is led by Ahmed Lawan, hasn’t been able to stop the CBN from being too powerful and abusing its power because the leadership is in bed with it.” The House of Representatives has a clear, principled stance on the issue.

He was done.

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