
Foods and beverages to avoid while menstruating, according to experts

For many women, having to deal with bloating, cramps, and bad moods for a few days each month has grown to be monotonous.


Some specialists think that what you consume throughout your monthly cycle may exacerbate the symptoms.

Although scientists believe some women naturally experience severe PMS or cycle-related symptoms, they may be made worse by nutritional issues.


These meals and drinks should be avoided when having a period, specialists told MailOnline.

sour foods


According to experts, consuming too much salty food might make you feel bloated and inflated in the stomach. This is akin to the way you feel right before or during your period.

The problem arises because the body stores additional sodium, which causes the volume of fluid it is holding to increase by about 1.5 liters.

Foods that have been highly processed and packed, such as crisps and processed meats, are thought to contain high salt levels.

When having a period, it is advised to choose fresh, nutritious foods and to season food with herbs and spices rather than salt to assist decrease water retention.

sweet delights

A quick rise in blood sugar levels after consuming foods high in refined sugar might also result in a drop later in the day.

Experts caution that this could exacerbate the mood fluctuations, exhaustion, and irritation that are already frequently felt during the menstrual cycle. It may also exacerbate a sense of instability or helplessness in general.

According to a 2018 BMC Women’s Health study, women who had more sugary snacks throughout the month experienced more painful periods than those who consumed less added sugar.

To help maintain stable blood sugar levels, it is advised to sate sweet cravings with fruits, natural sweeteners, or foods that balance protein and fiber.

fried and fatty dishes

Saturated fat-rich foods, such as deep-fried snacks, fatty meat cuts, processed dairy products, and sweets, might encourage inflammation in the body.

This might make period-related discomforts like bloating, soreness, and cramps worse.

This is due to the fact that eating these foods may cause the body to create prostaglandins, which are substances that induce inflammation and cause period cramps.

According to Dr. Adiele Hoffman, a medical advisor for the period tracking app Flo based in Buckinghamshire, some of the finest foods may, in theory, encourage inflammation and exacerbate PMS symptoms.


Many people use the stimulant caffeine to increase their energy in the morning.

But in addition to giving you a buzz, doctors claim it can also mess with your hormone levels, make you more anxious, and mess with your sleep schedule.

Caffeine use can worsen symptoms like breast soreness, irritability, and sleep difficulties during menstruation, when hormonal irregularities are already present. It can also have an adverse effect on your mental health by raising worry.

Caffeine use can be decreased or switched to caffeine-free herbal teas to improve the management of these symptoms, according to Miss Dillon.

For those who have anxiety, cutting back on caffeine might be a good idea because it can sometimes make people feel more anxious.

It is advised not to consume more caffeine per day than 400mg, or around 4 mugs of instant coffee. But having a considerably smaller intake may be advantageous for some folks.

carbonated beverages

Sodas and sparkling water are carbonated beverages that might cause the digestive tract to become overly gassy.

Bloating is a frequent symptom of menstruation, and doctors agree that carbonated beverages may make it worse.

Alternatives without carbonation, such as plain water or herbal teas, can lessen further bloating.


Another beverage that may cause one to feel bloated is alcohol. You should also be aware that alcohol has a depressive effect.

“If you feel that your period is affecting your mood, it might be wise to find a non-alcoholic alternative that could help to lift your spirits,” the expert advised.

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