
INEC crucified hope for new Nigeria – Catholic bishop

Bishop Michael Ukpong of the Umuahia Catholic Diocese has accused the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, of crucifying the hope of Nigerians for a better country through its conduct of the 2023 general elections.


Bishop Ukpong’s statement is contained in his Easter message issued in Umuahia.

The cleric urged Nigerians not to give up, expressing hope justice would ultimately prevail over falsehood.


“This fact is particularly important for us Nigerians in the face of what INEC did with the presidential election we have just had. The message of Easter this year for the good people of Nigeria is that we should not give up hope for a New Nigeria, which many of us voted for. For now, that hope has been crucified by INEC,” the Bishop said.

He further urged Nigerians to pray for the nation and show love for one another, insisting that it was the love Christ had for humanity that compelled him to sacrifice his life for all.


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